
Wednesday, May 6, 2020


The Myth about Bogomils was created by Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and they were supporting it until the moment when Monarchy fell apart. The same concept and the same politics was continued by Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia but more primitive and more aggressive in the artificial and illogical creation called Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (when following the same concept was created "Muslim nation" in Bosnia). this heresy had certain similarities with Islam religion soon after these regions came under the Turkish rule vast number of inhabitants were converted into Islam. The conclusion is that the Bosnian Muslims were not previous Orthodox Christian Serbs, and that they are the only autochthonous guardians of the old pre-Turkish traditions and the only who had right to create their state! This myth add with constantt epetition caused very serious consequences. The ultimate results of consciousness built on this theory are the present remains of Alija's Bosnia and the bloody civil war which resulted in the deaths of hundreds and thousands of human lives.

The term ”Bogomils" are taken into scientific consideration by Franjo Racki in 1869., who was very uncritical towards extremely suspicious Latin resources. Despite the fact that he is sometimes in controversy with his own theory, even within the single text and despite the fact that he offered explanations in cases when the facts say something different, his theory was accepted and politically supported by the force of authority until nowadays.

The very term "Bogomils" in Bosnia is familiar neither in historical resources nor in Bosnian tradition. Even the most bitter defenders of the term do not agree in the basic suppositions and manifestation of that "religion". It is described as "the religion" of distinct dualism (good-evil), rejection of the Old Testament, scorn of icons and the Holy Cross, unrecognition of the Holy Trinity, ignorance of the Holy Communions and absence of temples and organized hierarchy. To prove the existence of something like that in the medieval orthodox Bosnia whose entire material and spiritual culture is of orthodox origin was not very easy.

Islam was introduced to the Slavs of Bosnia during the Ottoman period of rule. Those that converted from Christianity became socially identified as their own ethnic group. For this reason, ‘Bosnian Muslims’ described religious affiliation as well as ethnic identity. However, today, the more popular term for this ethnicity is “Bosniak”. While they still are closely affiliated with Islam culturally, not all Bosniaks are practising Muslims.

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