White supremacy is good. Those who fight white supremacy are in the wrong. They hate white people. Why do they seek to destroy all that is good? Why is it that all third world people’s move to white founded people countries? Is it because we “whites” offer a supreme lifestyle? Or is it because of Jewish owned puppet politicians bombing smaller countries? Perhaps both.
Regardless or not if we offer a supreme lifestyle, the fact of the matter remains that there is an ever-increasing migration of non-Europeans into “our” countries. Can a white person not have an ethnic homeland anymore? Why is the replacement of aboriginals recognised and remembered amongst society, but the replacement and marginalisation of indigenous Europeans not?
This begs a question. Who owns countries? The Marxist believes it belongs to the original owners yet they believe in removing all borders. Hypocrites they are. We should kick all the whites out of the USA and swap them with those in the UK. However, this is far from ever happening. And the only solution to this would be a separation of a white ethno state preferably in north America.
The term "white supremacy" can also refer to a political or socioeconomic system, in which white people enjoy a structural advantage (privilege) over other ethnic groups, on both a collective and individual level.
An ethno-state of whites is fundamentally a structural advantage that denies non-whites entry. But an ethno-state of Jews is cherished and defended as the only democratic state in the middle east. Where is the uproar of Jewish supremacy? Why can the Jews have an ethno-state but the people’s of Europe cannot? Blacks in England are a result of leftism, Marxism, propaganda, self hate and essentially historic colonialism. The problem is not “black people” or the latter, but the continued degeneration of people’s traditional homelands. A result of globalism.
If liberal art studies “promote” critical thinking, then why don’t we kick out all the niggers? or is that a bit too racist? But maybe racism is not real, since we’re all one race, the “human race”? How can I even be racist if “race” doesn’t exist? Now that’s some critical thinking, either race exists as a biological reality or it doesn’t. Seems a bit confusing if you believe race is a social construct.
A white home land for white people should be celebrated, defended, cherished and most importantly… created!
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